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Tables tile to early //// Tables stay in grid on PS - Printable Version

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Tables tile to early //// Tables stay in grid on PS - Guest - 05-04-2015

I am still in my try out time. And I really like the program its a little bit like playing zoom poker! I really enjoy it!

On the other hand it is also very frustating when your grinding your brains out that some tables pop up to early or after folding won't return to stack.

I setup PSmercury a few times now also turned off 4 color deck but it is still the same.

A other thing is that the tables pop up to slow, sometimes i hear the "Biiiiiiiiiiieep" and then it last a 0.5 sec before it go's to grid. This may also be the blame of my crappy desktop..

Hope you can help me out!

Big chance i buy it if this problems will not happen anymore.

RE: Tables tile to early //// Tables stay in grid on PS - SaT_Admin - 05-05-2015

(05-04-2015, 11:06 PM)Guest Wrote: I am still in my try out time. And I really like the program its a little bit like playing zoom poker! I really enjoy it!

On the other hand it is also very frustating when your grinding your brains out that some tables pop up to early or after folding won't return to stack.

I setup PSmercury a few times now also turned off 4 color deck but it is still the same.

It's impossible to tell with so little information. Its unlikely that stuff is happening randomly sometimes and working other times. We just need to determine whats happening and when and why.

Usually the recommended way to Test it is described here:

Try to notice when the table is popping out too early. Is it when the advance action checkboxes become visible?

The tables should always return to the stack after you click Fold. Are you sure they aren't going to the stack and then immediately popping back out, giving the visual that perhaps they never left? You would confirm that by using the Notification to Move To Grid in advanced options.

(05-04-2015, 11:06 PM)Guest Wrote: A other thing is that the tables pop up to slow, sometimes i hear the "Biiiiiiiiiiieep" and then it last a 0.5 sec before it go's to grid. This may also be the blame of my crappy desktop..

What version of Windows are you on? And is the Scan Mode you are using in SaT's Advanced Options?

The pokersite beeps instantly. SaT takes some time to scan the tables, thats the reason for the delay you're noticing. You are able to configure SaT's scan time to be a little faster, but I usually only recommend it under certain circumstances.