'highlight_border_color' setting
I want the color of the border to draw around the table to be green.
I've changed the settings in theme.ini file to look like this:
I've restarted SaT, but the border still has the default color(red=FF0000). What is the mistake here? I've also tried to use 'highlight_border_color=#00FF00'(with '#' symbol) - still no results. Other settings and changes work pretty fine.
Thanks for any help.
Looks correct, no # symbol. Did you close and reopen SaT?

If so and it still didn't work, paste your layout config file, maybe you put the settings in the wrong spot.
(11-02-2015, 11:35 PM)SaT_Admin Wrote: maybe you put the settings in the wrong spot.

Yes, thank you, that was the reason. I just have not noticed the other spots except [settings] and simply put some extra advanced settings to the end of the file. Now they are in the correct spot, all works pretty fine.

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