WPN Auto-Accept table and sitout
Hey there,

sometimes when I am in a session I don't recognize the popup when a seat from waiting list is available. Could you implement a feature to auto-accept offered tables AND auto-sitout at this table?
As WPN has forced auto-post blinds you will be dealt in immediately - even if you don't wanna play, as the table might be breaking etc...
Hope you can kinda understand what I meanĀ  Blush
(01-24-2017, 07:14 PM)willy_tk Wrote: Hey there,

sometimes when I am in a session I don't recognize the popup when a seat from waiting list is available. Could you implement a feature to auto-accept offered tables AND auto-sitout at this table?
As WPN has forced auto-post blinds you will be dealt in immediately - even if you don't wanna play, as the table might be breaking etc...
Hope you can kinda understand what I meanĀ  Blush

If you are not recognizing the popup, its probably because you are busy playing other tables: so if I auto accept the waitlist and sit you out, the table will still probably get lost. Unless you put all New Tables into the 'grid'.

Maybe alternatively I could do something like "force waitlist popup on top of all other tables" so that you won't miss the popup? Would that help or no?
Hrmm actually it looks like the Waiting List popup already stays on top of all of the other windows.. How are you missing the popup? Because its so small?

I could maybe auto-accept the table, but I don't know about auto-sitout. Because first you get the buyin popup
from time to time I miss it as I play on two screens. for me, I do use auto-buyin, so this popup won't appear.
(01-25-2017, 06:44 AM)willy_tk Wrote: from time to time I miss it as I play on two screens. for me, I do use auto-buyin, so this popup won't appear.

Ok please download and try this version v2.93o:


Find the new Adv Option to 'auto accept WinningPoker waitlists'. I didn't add the auto sit out option because I'm not sure about it yet. But when a waitlist is accepted, you'll receive an SaT popup in the lower corner of the monitor.

Let me know if this works

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