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I would like to set up SAT to auto bet predefined sizing in bb ('Bet x bb' hotkey), while not autobetting (just setting the betsize) for BetSize1, BetSize2 etc. hotkeys. 

I know about "Click Bet for all BetSize / BetXbb hotkeys" and that's not what I want.
Are you saying you want the betbox to automatically be set to a specific amount as soon as the table becomes focused?

There is no way to do that in the software at the moment. It may be possible to add, but I'd need to think about how to present that within the GUI interface to make it easy for users to understand. I am open to suggestions.

This would be a big feature request so there is no immediate plans


I meant that 'Bet x bb' would set bet amount to 'x' bb and bet it at once, instead 'Betsize1', 'Betsize2' etc. hotkeys would just set bet amount and not bet at all.
Ohhh I get it. Instead of "Click Bet for all BetSize / BetXbb hotkeys" working for both, you want separate settings for each. Right?

I can do this in the next release


That would be great.
Ok, I've broken it up into 2 separate settings

Download this test version here:

Confirm that it says version 2.83e

And check in Adv Options and test and let me know

merged into v2.84