I just helped a user set up Microgaming and we used this config for the Unibet skin. So it should work for people who don't want to go through the full Custom Site Wizard.
Right click, save as
Put that file in this folder:
C:\Program Files\StackAndTile\Sites
C:\Program Files (x86)\StackAndTile\Sites
whichever folder your SaT is installed in.
Then restart SaT and Include this site which should be at the bottom of the list.
It still does't pop out when entering a pot. Any way to fix this?
Are you using 'Move To Grid' setting = After entering pot ?
Yes.. I have tried this config and my own on both unibet, nordicbet and ladbrokes, and it all works except the table doesn't pop out when entering a pot.
I'm also playing on 4 other sites and I have no problems there.
How are you entering the pot? 1. Are you clicking the buttons with the mouse? 2. Are you using an SaT hotkey? 3. Are you using another software for hotkeys?
1. will work depending upon the topleft and bottomright settings in the custom site config. They define a rectangle which is supposed to encompass the location of the button to detect the location of the click.
2. should always work
3. will require you to set up External VPIP hotkeys within SaT corresponding to your other program
I am clicking button with my mouse when entering a pot. I'm only using fold as a hotkey.
Now way to solve this problem? Would like to know if anyone else can make it work
If you look at the config, the 'topleft' and 'bottomright' settings define a rectangle around the fold/call/bet buttons. These settings are grabbed during the wizard when it asks you to click and drag around the button.
When SaT detects a mouse click within this area, it will think that you clicked on the appropriate button.
So, if the table isn't moving to the grid when you click call/bet, it must be because either 1. your Move To Grid setting isn't set to "After Entering Pot", 2. the rectangle regions are wrong, 3. you have Mouse Left Click Detection turned off in Advanced Options
I think thats it but maybe I'm forgetting something
1. tjek
2. Well, how do I get the right regions, now that I have tried this and my own config and none of them works?
3. tjek
Would like to see if you could make it work yourself

If I get some time, I will download Microgaming and try to set it up. Been really busy lately