I'm not sure if this has been addressed already, but I couldn't find anything relevant with the search function.
I've recently started using StackAndTile and am very happy with it. There is only one problem - if I happen to time out on a table and don't manage to click on "I'm back" before the table is put back into the stack, it's really inconvenient to find it back. I'm forced to temporarily stop the program, tile the tables, click "I'm back", and restart StackAndTile.
Is there a good solution to this problem?
(03-04-2013, 02:07 AM)la6ki Wrote: [ -> ]There is only one problem - if I happen to time out on a table and don't manage to click on "I'm back" before the table is put back into the stack, it's really inconvenient to find it back.
How is the table going back to the stack? Are you using the End Of Hand detection?
Have you tried using the Old Tables feature? That is specifically for this purpose
Well, as I said, when I time out, the table doesn't stay in the grid, but goes back to the stack (not immediately, but still it gets replaced by tables which need action). I'm not using the End Of Hand detection.
I could use the Old Tables feature, but the problem is that I don't really see a good number to pick for the number of minutes after which a table is labeled 'old'. Five is obviously too long because I will have been blinded out by the time my turn comes. One minute might be too short or too long, depending on the situation...
Isn't there a way to just keep tables at which I timed out in the grid until I can click on "I'm back" or something?
(03-05-2013, 09:38 AM)la6ki Wrote: [ -> ]Well, as I said, when I time out, the table doesn't stay in the grid, but goes back to the stack (not immediately, but still it gets replaced by tables which need action). I'm not using the End Of Hand detection.
Isn't there a way to just keep tables at which I timed out in the grid until I can click on "I'm back" or something?
Well this is obviously the problem. Tables are not supposed to be moved back to the stack unless you specifically click Fold or use a "Stack" hotkey (also if you were using End Of Hand detection, but you say you're not).
So we need to figure out why tables are automatically going back to the stack when you time out. This should not be happening. They are supposed to stay in the grid, just like you are requesting.
What site does this happen on? Tournaments or cash? How can I reproduce it?
Quote:I could use the Old Tables feature, but the problem is that I don't really see a good number to pick for the number of minutes after which a table is labeled 'old'. Five is obviously too long because I will have been blinded out by the time my turn comes. One minute might be too short or too long, depending on the situation...
Yeah obviously you will need to experiment. On tournaments its a bit trickier. Maybe try 1-2-3 minutes. The worst that will happen by going too short is that tables will be detected as 'Old' too soon (you can verify by turning on the Notification in Advanced Options) and sent to grid. You can then simply send them back to the stack when you notice it.
I play 9-man SnGs on FT. The settings are such that the there is one tile and 5 additional tables forming a 6-table grid. I'm pretty much using the default settings of the software.
FullTiltPoker_included_executable_path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Full Tilt Poker\FullTiltPoker.exe
Hrmmm, what table theme on FT? What color scheme?
Are you using any other third party poker programs?
I know on Full Tilt, when you time out, there is a "Deal Me In" button which is located at the same place as the Fold button. In some cases, this would cause SaT to think that the Fold button was visible, and think that action was required. If this was the case, SaT would be moving the table into the grid prematurely. But you say that your problem is that the table is going back to the stack prematurely.
I just quickly tested with a play money cash table and play money SNG. I waited for my turn to act, SaT popped the table out of the stack and into the grid. I then allowed myself to time out, and the table correctly stayed there both times.
Can you try that same test?
The thing is that it seems to act kind of random at times. Like, sometimes I would click the 'Fold' button, but a table would still remain in the grid (I noticed that this usually happens when the total number of tables is not too large). So, when I perform the timing out test, it still keeps the table in the grid, but I'm pretty sure that as I'm playing, sometimes tables on which I timed out get burried somewhere and it takes me some time to deal with this (it involves temporarily stopping SaT, tiling all the tables, and clicking the "Deal Me In" button.
As for my FT settings, I use the Classic view and the Vegas Skyline background.
I use HEM2 and TableNinjaFT along with SaT. However, the presence/absence of the latter doesn't seem to have an effect on this particular problem.
The only thing I can think of, is that perhaps when you have lots of tables going, your grid is full. When your grid is full, SaT cannot move tables to the grid. So, when action is required on those tables, SaT will bring them to the top of the stack so you can act on them as well. If a gridslot frees up while action is required, then SaT will move it to grid.
However, if all of your grid slots are full, and SaT detects an Old Table, in that instance it will stay in the stack. I'm not sure that it will wait for a slot to free up and move at that time. I will have to test that.
Do you find that your 5 grid slots are full often?
What happened to this?
FWIW, same thing is happening to me often - I have my grid full often,
6-tabling 18-22 tables on stack + 5 grids + new/old stack.
And the problem is that when I have grid full and other tables on stack require actions,
I have to both "fold+stack" tables on the grid and act on stacked tables, same time -
but the tables on stack that require action, are not always moving "up" on the stack
(fast enough?), so I would always have tables requiring actions on top of the stack,
after "fold+stacking" more tables to stack. Some tables on stack go sitout and stay that way,
until I either cycle all the tables through on stack and click "I'm back" on sitout tables,
or restart SaT entirely and re-stack my tables from new/old stack I have configured separately.
And not only that - these sitout tables on stack, usually stay that way too:
they're not moved to the stack I have configured for old tables =/
These problems seem to be related to Ongame and FTP mostly(?) and there's one
common problem with those two as well: fold+stack button doesn't work as it should.
I have to press F1 to fold and then, "fold+stack" (right mouse button), before the tables are stacked.
"Fold+stack" (right mouse button) works just fine on other networks/skins.
Aand... sometimes there's tables in Ongame that stop being recognized on SaT:
I've to play them separately outside the grid/stack, just like ignored tables =/
Otherwise everything works OK =)
Ok, a lot of stuff here, lets try to break this down.
(05-06-2013, 02:26 AM)CyberSam Wrote: [ -> ]These problems seem to be related to Ongame and FTP mostly(?) and there's one
common problem with those two as well: fold+stack button doesn't work as it should.
I have to press F1 to fold and then, "fold+stack" (right mouse button), before the tables are stacked.
"Fold+stack" (right mouse button) works just fine on other networks/skins.
This issue is noted on the help page here:
Any site that displays a right click popup menu on the table (when SaT is not running), will potentially have this issue. OnGame is known to be one, and I'm not sure how FTP handles it off the top of my head. Changing your hotkey to use the ~ prefix should work. The ~ prefix tells SaT to pass the key through to the window. Without the ~, SaT overrides the key completely. So this might be your problem. Change the hotkey to
(05-06-2013, 02:26 AM)CyberSam Wrote: [ -> ]And not only that - these sitout tables on stack, usually stay that way too:
they're not moved to the stack I have configured for old tables =/
Aand... sometimes there's tables in Ongame that stop being recognized on SaT:
I've to play them separately outside the grid/stack, just like ignored tables =/
More than a few users have recently reported problems with OnGame, saying that SaT does not detect that action is required. I have tested it and it works on my machine, but I have also tested it on teamviewer with a customer and there is a real problem. So I don't believe it is user error. I think OnGame is just making changes to not let other software scan its tables. Unfortunately, I have considered removing OnGame from the built-in supported sites for this reason. And the same for Cake/Revolution. I don't think SaT will reliably work on these crap sites anymore.
So, before we worry about your Old Tables issue, we need to ensure that SaT is correctly detecting that action is required on OnGame.
You didn't mention what your 'Move To Grid' setting is, but I'm gonna assume it is 'Action Required'. If not, please change it to that to test. Put one OnGame table in the stack and wait for your turn to act. See if it pops into grid at the correct time, when it is your turn.
'Old Tables' feature depends on the action detection working correctly. That is the only way it can start the countdown to decide when a table is 'Old'. If SaT NEVER sees that action is required (which is what some users are reporting on OnGame), then Old Tables will never start.
After you have done a few tests and ensured that the one OnGame table is moving to grid correctly, then put the table in the stack and sit out. Then wait for your Old Tables Duration time to elapse, and see if the table correctly moves to the Old Tables Slot.
Then do both of those tests just with FTP alone as well.
We need to narrow it down and see what the problem might be. So lets start there.