First of all: GREAT program! Wish i had seen it a lot earlier
Most sites are working with SAT tile, i have some problems
with pop-up windows being drawn into my stack/ grid (after being maximized)
but i will get into that later, it's workable for now.
First, I have this issue sometimes where some of the tables in my
stack keep stealing focus from eachother, while i unchecked
'pop up when action required' on all poker sites as far as i know.
I made a 30sec video so you can see exactly what's happening,
is it ok if I e-mail it to you so you can review? (it's 15Mb)
PS: After i rebooted my PC the problem was gone, but you don't want to
have to do that too often when 15-tabling a sundaynight

(03-12-2013, 10:00 PM)SvZff Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,
First of all: GREAT program! Wish i had seen it a lot earlier 

I'm glad you find it valuable
Quote:First, I have this issue sometimes where some of the tables in my
stack keep stealing focus from eachother, while i unchecked
'pop up when action required' on all poker sites as far as i know.
Yeah this should only happen if those options are still turned on. If you turn them off, then the sites should never pop up. SaT should control when they pop up. But maybe something else is off.
What 'Move To Grid' setting are you using? I'm gonna guess its 'After Entering Pot' since that would leave tables in the stack until you take an action.
Quote:I made a 30sec video so you can see exactly what's happening,
is it ok if I e-mail it to you so you can review? (it's 15Mb)
Can you upload to youtube or some other file sharing site? If not, send it to support(at)stackandtile(dot)com
Quote:PS: After i rebooted my PC the problem was gone, but you don't want to
have to do that too often when 15-tabling a sundaynight 
Yea, obviously this is not a solution. However, was it just a one time thing? Does it happen consistently? Is there a specific way to reproduce the problem?
Quote:Most sites are working with SAT tile, i have some problems
with pop-up windows being drawn into my stack/ grid (after being maximized)
but i will get into that later, it's workable for now.
If you can tell me what popups and on what sites, I can look into it.
Ok I've seen the video. It looks like the stack is cycling through. Its strange because clearly there are PokerStars tables that need action while those tables are cycling, so those Stars tables should pop to the top and stay there. This correctly happened once the 888 table required action: the stack stopped cycling and the 888 table came to the top.
How often does this problem happen? For you to take a video, you must have been able to anticipate it... Are you able to do a certain thing to reproduce the problem?
Quote:I have move to grid settings set on: when action required.
But this issue we are talking about actually happended when i was playing stacked,
as i think i prefer that to stack and tiled, being able to manually pull em out
of my stack really helps me to keep my desktop 'clean'
Thats fine.
I suggest using StackAndTile mode with 'Action Required' just to test. We need to make sure that SaT is properly detecting that it is your turn to act on all sites. Use those settings and test one site at a time. Put one table into the stack and wait for your turn, and see if it pops out into the grid at the correct time. Do this test individually for all sites to see if there are any problems.
Quote:The problem did not happen constantly, and as said, rebooting did help.
Next time it happens, simply try stopping SaT and then starting it again. See if that fixes it instead of a full reboot.
Quote:I had trouble with Party and SAT, and so do some of my friends (i play with classic theme),
i have it running now by putting my stack 30% IN my visible part of my desktop
instead of 10%, thus enabling the program to 'see' my cards?
But, it doesn't recognise all tables from party, probably because of all the different
names they have in the title, so i probably instructed SAT wrongly with the term
what to look what for a table and what to exclude. Can i use multiple words in this process,
like: +Gtd +Table -Lobby (example) ??
By your last question, I'm guessing that you used the Custom Site Wizard? Why aren't you using the builtin PartyPokerClassic settings? That could definitely be why you are getting popups that are detected.
As for keeping the stack onscreen, usually this isn't necessary, but on some sites it is. Hardly anyone that I've talked to uses PartyClassic, so I haven't done much testing. If I had to guess, the only part that would need to be visible on the screen are the fold/call/bet buttons
Quote:Some of the pop-ups that got picked up and maximalised by SAT (highly unwanted/ chaotic)
where the jackpot pop-up on 888(luckyace for me), various buy-in pop-ups (stars, stars.FR)
and multiple party pop-ups ("you have registered for this tournament" etc)
There is a hidden hotkey within SaT:
Click on a table and use that hotkey, and SaT will copy some info to the clipboard. You can test it when SaT is open. When SaT incorrectly detects a popup, use the hotkey and then come back and paste here.
Thanks for your reply.
Indeed the issue happended quite a lot, so i could set up my camera to catch it for you.
I tried closing and restarting SAT multiple times, but this did not help, hence the full reboot.
I will put SAT-mode to 'when action required'. Does the stacked mode use some of this info too?
Indeed i used the custom-wizzard for party poker because the standard partyClassic did not work properly. I could try again and let you know what exactly was wrong. I think i remember it did not pick up the tables,(same for my friend on his pc) but this might be solved by the same thing i did now, moving the table in screen. As you say, it must me about the buttons (probably fold button, most left) !
Ah yeah i remember now, party & SAT did work for cash tables while testing, but then failed to pick up the tournament tables
Thanks for the hidden hotkey, i will use it and send you the info!
I'll do some more testing, thanks!!
Ok i tried adding the standard PartyClassic, here is what happened:
-I add table
-Wizzard asks me to push F9, and recognizes table (because it resizes)
-Then i push CTRL and click on white piece of my holecard, seems to work
And then:
- It tries to let me fold the hand with F10, but that doesn't work!
It tells me this:
Attempted to Fold at coords: 217 by 510. Apparently this didn't work.
This is on this table: [The Million Sub Qualifier Speed Rebuy - 1 Seat Gtd (3060541) Table #1 - NL Hold'em - $2 Buy-in],[#32770]
I send you a screenshot of the placement of the buttons by email.
Regular stars table buy-in window gets picked up by, and maximalised by SAT
(this is a bad one because it happens so often
Here is what hotkey gives: [Tournament Registration],[#32770]
EDIT: Nevermind, if i run tableninja, it seems to to care of this one by auto-closing
When i register a S&G on LuckyAce (888) it pick up and maximalises the buy-in window
[Tournament Registration: #46125498],[#32770]
Same for the "you have bought in" window [Tournament ID : 46125421],[#32770]
You have been seated at table1 [User Message],[#32770]
Ok good news: While testing i found when my main-issue happens!!
It happens when i use my hotkey for fold&stack on 888, while i can check
for free. This opens a pop-up that tells me that checking is free and
that asks me if i am sure to fold!
It gets picked up and maximized by SAT and then sends my stack
on money-tilt (lots of stat-flashing and focus overtaking)
It then keeps tilting until i manage to reach that pop-up in my stack,
by sending the top tables to the grid, or when i succeed in moving
the pop-up itself to the grid!
It is this 1: [Are you sure?],[#32770]
Woohooo pretty happy we found it!!
And same seems to happen with the same situation on my own partyclassic:
[Confirm fold],[#32770]
Which will be less of an issue if the standard partyClassic will work
(same for the other pop-ups here under)
Pop-up issues on PartyClassic (not important if the standard PartyClassic will work later on)[Message from PartyPoker.com],[#32770]
[Message from PartyPoker.com],[#32770] waiting for other tables to begin
(03-13-2013, 11:33 AM)SvZff Wrote: [ -> ]I send you a screenshot of the placement of the buttons by email.
I didn't get any screenshot attached to the email.
Let me ask you, does your Custom Party Classic work if the table is offscreen?
(03-13-2013, 11:21 AM)SvZff Wrote: [ -> ]Ah yeah i remember now, party & SAT did work for cash tables while testing, but then failed to pick up the tournament tables
(03-13-2013, 11:33 AM)SvZff Wrote: [ -> ]And then:
- It tries to let me fold the hand with F10, but that doesn't work!
It tells me this:
Attempted to Fold at coords: 217 by 510. Apparently this didn't work.
Hrmmmm.. yes ok this could be the problem with the builtin settings. What happens when you try to include PartyClassic on a cash game table? Does F10 correctly fold the hand?
(03-13-2013, 12:11 PM)SvZff Wrote: [ -> ]Ok good news: While testing i found when my main-issue happens!!
It happens when i use my hotkey for fold&stack on 888, while i can check
for free. This opens a pop-up that tells me that checking is free and
that asks me if i am sure to fold!
It gets picked up and maximized by SAT and then sends my stack
on money-tilt (lots of stat-flashing and focus overtaking)
It then keeps tilting until i manage to reach that pop-up in my stack,
by sending the top tables to the grid, or when i succeed in moving
the pop-up itself to the grid!
It is this 1: [Are you sure?],[#32770]
Woohooo pretty happy we found it!!
I am 99% sure that all of these popup problems are due to your Custom Party configuration. I will have to investigate the builtin settings further.
For now, lets make some changes to your custom config. Open up the .ini file for your custom config which is located in this folder:
C:\Program Files\StackAndTile\Sites\
You will see some lines at the bottom looking like this (maybe different depending upon what values you chose):
I want you to change them to this:
lobby_title_text=PartyPoker.com: Poker Lobby
You asked in email how you can have multiple terms, and I have demonstrated it above. You separate each term with a pipe | character. These are the settings that I use for the built-in configuration. All of the popups have the class #32770 and that is the same as the Party tables. So we need to do each checks for the lobby and then include/exclude certain stuff.
- i send you 2 screenshots right now, just forgot to attach it, guess it is getting late
- my partyclassic custom did not work when placed outside the screen, took me a while to find out and after i moved it more in screen (30%) it did work.
- On a cashgame table it works fine for PartyClassic! (see e-mail, screenshots)
Thanks for the tricks with the pipe | character, will look into it, looks good!
So, my biggest issue now seems to be on 888, actually i play on LuckyAce there because i have trouble getting back into my main 888 account.
Shall i try to alter the .ini file myself by adding the titles of the po-ups?
Hmmm let me first see how it looks hehe
Those two tables look the same to me in screenshots. I wonder if there is something different on tournaments. Can you try a Real Money SNG and see if F10 works for the builtin PartyClassic? Can you try using a Play Money tournament and seeing if F10 works? (Just to test to help me out)
The 888 problem should resolve once you change those settings I mentioned in your custom Party config. You don't need to add anything yourself, just use those settings, they should work.
You're using the builtin 888 site right?