I've been testing ST on Stars 0,01-0,02 for 2 weeks. Now it says the trial is over and it does not detect any tables. What shall I do about it? It is said that it should work free up to 0,05, right? Thanks in advance
Strange as it may seem, it keeps working with FullTilt. Is anything wrong with recent Stars update? What would you recommend?
What Stars theme are you using inside SaT?
Morpheus from Tiltbuster.com which is based on Nova. Previously it worked fine.
So are you using PokerStarsNova within SaT?
I just found a problem with PokerStarsNova not working in free mode for tournaments, but I assume that cash should work ok.
Can you try a different table theme and then remove and re-include the appropriate settings in SaT and see if that works?
Have tried it and it works with other themes. With PSNova it doesn't work with cash tables either. Is there anything I can do about it? Thanks
For now you're gonna have to wait until I put out an update.
OK. Thanks. How long may that take?
Not sure, I'm really busy lately but hopefully I can get some time
Sorry to disturb you again. How can I get to know when the update is ready?