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Full Version: how to change size of a slot?
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how can one change the size of the slots?
All slots are the same size in SaT.

If you want to change the size of the slots, then you'll need to create a whole new layout, which will mean you will need to re-create all of your sites/settings/hotkeys. You can create a new layout from the File menu.
can i not edit a file in an editor maybe? Sad
You could I suppose. I don't really recommend it.

You can click File->Current Layout and then change the tablewidth= and tableheight= values. However, then all of your gridslots would not be aligned, so you would need to use Visualize Grid to place them again. Finally, you would still need to remove and re-include every site because the fold colors may no longer be correct.

So its probably easier to just create a whole new Layout. The benefit also is that you can switch back to the other size if you need to.