Can someone who has gotten it to work properly please post correct settings for an Intertops/Bovada multisite setup? I cannot for the life of me get it to work properly it's driving me insane.
I've tried both sites with pop to front on, and there's conflict, i've tried both sites with pop to front off, but if you do that bovada never comes up when its time to act even with stack and tile on. So I know that at the very least Bovada has to have pop to front enabled.
Another part of the problem is when you get KO'd from a Bovada tournament, it automatically asks you if you'd like to play another. These pop-ups screw everything up. Is there a way to turn these off?
Detailed settings would be greatly appreciated. I even tried multisiting both with no software manually, which would be fine, but when you're focused on a Bovada table and it's time to act on an Intertops table, The Intertops tables don't pop up and you time out... driving me nuts.
Bigheadal, if the built-in site bovada/bodog doesn't work, try the custom site creator. The trick is to let SaT detect the table by color. That is: during custom site creator, try to select the part of the buttons that differ most from their background.
The buttons of bovada have a shade at the bottom i guess (, so most definitely select that part for detection. It might be difficult, because of black/grey and you probably have to play with color ranges, admin here probably knows what i mean. I don't remember exactly how i did that. (i'm not using the sites you are working on btw)
Intertops should be a walk in the park because of the colored boxes (fold, call, bet).
Edit: Apparently not.
If you multisite, you should never use the popup function from the poker site, that's the wole point of SaT
Drivo is correct as usual. He has a good grasp of how SaT works. You should turn all site's "popup function" off.
First, you need to ensure that each site is working correctly INDIVIDUALLY with those popup options off. Are you using the built-in settings for Revolution and Bovada? Or are you using the Custom Site Wizard?
Intertops is on the Revolution network, and many many users are having problems with Revolution. I am pretty sure that Revolution is somehow preventing thirdparty software from scanning their tables. In this case, SaT will never pop the tables up when action is required. If this happens for you, then SaT will not be very useful, except maybe for hotkey functions. You need to test just Revolution alone and make sure that these tables are popping up in SaT, with the poker client popup option off. My guess is that this is your problem. The easiest way to test for this is to use Tile Setting = Action Required. Start SaT, put one Revolution table into the stack. Wait for your turn to act. See if the table correctly pops out into the grid. If this doesn't happen, then there is a problem. Usually the recommended practice is to remove the site from SaT and re-Include it. So you can try that and then do the above test again. If it still fails, then sorry to say but I think SaT will not work on Revolution for you. I have said in the past that I am considering removing Revolution support altogether because more and more people are running into this problem. This software is just trash.
Bovada problems are usually a little different. As Drivo said, the black/gray buttons are very close to the same color as the gray table background 'behind' the buttons. And the color is exactly the same for the pre-action checkboxes. In this case, SaT might think that the actual Fold button is visible and move the table to the grid early. You can run the same test I suggested and see if the table moves out of the stack and into the grid early, before its actually your turn. Note and see if the pre-action checkboxes are visible or not.
So lets start with those and work forward.
Of course, you can turn on both site's option to pop tables to front (like you would probably do without any software), but then you will find that each site will be stealing focus from one another, which might yeild misclicks.
Thank you for the responses. I set up just Intertops as you said, and it's interesting what happens. Instead of starting the table in the stack, it starts it on the grid automatically (just testing 1 at a time.) Then, when its my turn to act and I click fold, it instantaneously jumps to the stack, and then immediately back to the grid where it stays until my next action. Anything other than a fold keeps it in the grid, but when I fold, it jumps back and forth. Strange.
Just to be clear, I've always been a Cascade player and it's always been my favorite. I've always felt it has the space saving ability of stacking, but with more control, as since I can see the corner of each table, I can see visually if one is about to time out from the window border flashing. I'm going to try simply "stacking" mode and see if I can at least just get the tables to pop to front. Even if all I was able to do was to get Stack and Tile to put all Bovada and Intertops tables in one single big pile one behind the other, but bring the ones needing attention to front and never missing one to timeout, that would be perfectly fine. I actually really don't even like tiling, the tables become way too small for how many tables I play and all of the visuals going on on the screen make me feel overwhelmed. I enjoy only being able to see 1 table, or
(continued) 1 whole table and parts of other tables in case I need to jump in and take action. So let's see if we can't just get all tables in one large pile, so that I can bring games to front as needed without dropping one. Thank you! (Sorry for double post, It won't let me edit)
(08-08-2013, 07:04 AM)bigheadal Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you for the responses. I set up just Intertops as you said, and it's interesting what happens. Instead of starting the table in the stack, it starts it on the grid automatically (just testing 1 at a time.) Then, when its my turn to act and I click fold, it instantaneously jumps to the stack, and then immediately back to the grid where it stays until my next action. Anything other than a fold keeps it in the grid, but when I fold, it jumps back and forth. Strange.
This is actually not strange at all. This is a common error. Usually it is fixed by removing and re-Including the site. However, you just tried that, so my guess is that Revolution isn't going to work for you.
Essentially, when a table immediately pops back into the grid when you try to stack it, this means that SaT still thinks that action is required. You can test this out on a normal site by waiting for your turn to act, the table will pop to grid, and then use a "Stack Table" hotkey on the table. The table will return to the stack, but since action is still required, then it will immediately pop back into grid.
Since this is what SaT thinks is happening, then all Intertops tables will continually "require action" according to SaT, and SaT will never give up focus to any other table (not only Bovada but any other site within SaT).
(08-08-2013, 07:10 AM)bigheadal Wrote: [ -> ]Just to be clear, I've always been a Cascade player and it's always been my favorite. I've always felt it has the space saving ability of stacking, but with more control, as since I can see the corner of each table, I can see visually if one is about to time out from the window border flashing.
There are benefits to all three modes: stacking, tiling, and cascading. SaT attempts to combine two and it works well for most people. I imagine it would work well for you as well, if it weren't for this piece of crap site Revolution.
Quote:I'm going to try simply "stacking" mode and see if I can at least just get the tables to pop to front. Even if all I was able to do was to get Stack and Tile to put all Bovada and Intertops tables in one single big pile one behind the other, but bring the ones needing attention to front and never missing one to timeout, that would be perfectly fine.
Unfortunately this isn't going to work. It really is a shame, because what you are describing is one of the main reasons this program was developed. People wanted to stack both Stars and FTP at the same time, and they wanted tables to correctly pop up without stealing focus from each other.
To do this, SaT scans each table for the visibility of the Fold button (a specific color that is grabbed during Include Site setup), and pops each table up when it sees this color. However, this Revolution problem means that SaT is unable to scan for the Fold button correctly, essentially ALWAYS seeing the Fold button color visible, and therefore ALWAYS popping up the Revolution table.
If you tried to accomplish this with other sites other than Revolution (and perhaps OnGame), my guess is that you would be able to get your desired result.
One other possible option would be to use the Revolution Software v1.0. Do you have any idea if it works any better than v2.0 before I try? I believe you have it listed as Cake 1.0 in SAT.
Cake v1 software does work better than v2 the last time I checked. It did not seem to have those problems with scanning the table.
I hadn't had a chance to try the latest v1 version, so I wasn't able to add support for the new 'betsize' hotkeys (I mentioned on the Cake v1 help page on the site). If you can provide a link to the latest v1 software then I can check it out.
That's the latest 1.0 revo software for Intertops skin
I think for now I'm going to try a hybrid. I'm going to get Bovada working first, then use S&T for just Bovada, and let Intertops bring tables to front on its own, with Bovada bring to front disabled.
As long as I don't add both sites to S&T, it will only grab the windows from the software I tell it to, right?
Take the dashes off both ends of the link, I had to do that to get it to post.