Supernova - Thanks
Just to round this out, I received an email the other day from Steve, saying that he is quitting poker and will no longer be using SaT. Its sad to see him go, as he was a great customer and supporter of the software. I am extremely happy when I hear people so appreciative of SaT and what it helped them do. I wish Steve all the best in the future.

Quote:On 2/28/2015 9:57 AM, Steve wrote:


I just wanted to let you know that I've decided to cancel my ongoing subscription for SaT as I've decided to stop playing full time, so I'll no longer need the software.

I also wanted to thank you for all your help and support over the last few years, the product is great and I would recommend it to anyone multi-tabling as a must have, both from a perspective of what the product does and how well you support it.

All the best for the future.



Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2015 16:44:20 -0500
From: support(at)stackandtile(dot)com

Thanks man I really appreciate it. You've been one of the best customers and supporters. I'm very glad that the software helped you achieved your goals. I too wish you the best in your future endeavors.

The subscription will remain active until your paid period expires. Will you be playing part time now? I may be able to issue a prorated refund if you won't be using it at all.

StackAndTile Support

On 2/28/2015 7:37 PM, Steve wrote:


Thanks for that, the software was top notch and I couldn't have achieved what I have over the last 3 years without it. Unfortunately I've completely fallen out of love with playing poker in any sort of volume.. So I'm pretty much cold turkey, I might play the odd game in future but I definitely won't be using SaT again, I'm deleting all the applications tomorrow and I'm already withdrawing all my bankroll !

Any refund would be totally unexpected but gratefully received, amazing service but nothing more than you've always provided since I started using SaT.

Thanks again for everything you've helped me achieve, its been a interesting journey but its now on to another challenge....whatever that might be.

All the best to you for the future, hope things continue to go well for you.


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Messages In This Thread
Supernova - Thanks - by Guest - 02-16-2012, 08:53 PM
RE: Supernova - Thanks - by SaT_Admin - 02-19-2012, 11:35 AM
RE: Supernova - Thanks - by Guest - 12-24-2012, 11:23 PM
RE: Supernova - Thanks - by SaT_Admin - 12-25-2012, 03:04 AM
RE: Supernova - Thanks - by Guest - 12-30-2013, 10:58 PM
RE: Supernova - Thanks - by SaT_Admin - 12-31-2013, 06:37 AM
RE: Supernova - Thanks - by SaT_Admin - 03-08-2015, 01:21 PM
RE: Supernova - Thanks - by Guest - 12-15-2015, 10:44 PM
RE: Supernova - Thanks - by SaT_Admin - 12-16-2015, 07:39 AM