Some requests from TT
another distruntled TT users here that recently switched over to SNT but missing a few key features, they might have been requested before but here goes anyways:
1. more click methods, TT had postmessage1-3 plus a few others that were able to click almost every site buttons without moving the mouse, in snt there seems to be only 2, one that moves mouse and one that dosnt but also dosnt work on a lot of sites. 
2. a resizeable preview window of all open tables, great to see all tables in a small view.
1. Internally, I do have a 2nd method which doesn't move mouse, which does work and is used on some sites like Chico and GG. There were some clicking bugs with using it on StarsAurora so its off by default, but there is an Advanced Option to turn it back on if you choose.

Most sites shouldn't need this, the two main ones that do move the mouse are Bodog and WPN (and Stars as mentioned). There is also an Advanced Option to turn it on for WPN, but it only rarely worked on my machine.

I have a completely different method that could possibly be used on Bodog, but it would require the beta highDPI version of the download, if I implemented it. This method is extremely slow on WPN so I would likely not use it on that site regardless.

What site do you want this for? Are you having functionality issues with the sites moving the mouse, or only visual annoyance?

2. Was requested quite a while ago once or twice but infrequently enough where I didn't think it was very important for majority of players. I'll revisit it.

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