Custom grid
(09-12-2024, 01:50 AM)drummmmm Wrote: WCOOP started and i've started thinking of ways to add stars tables to my setup again  Smile Thought that it would be nice if there would be a chance to choose different "Move to Grid" options for different sites. In my case i just would choose "After entering pot" for GG and "When action required" for stars and it would solve the problem. Would it be possible to implement?

It is possible to implement, i would probably add it to the highDPI version, but there is no workaround currently. I will add it to my todo list
Thank you!
Hey, wanted to check on this, not rushing or anything just curious when could expect for this feature to be implemented?
There are other things that i'm working on that are higher priority right now. I don't have a time frame just yet when I will get to this

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