(08-07-2014, 08:27 AM)3betpush Wrote: Hi!
It will be very nice if you can realize all-in hot key. SaT just can send '9999999999' to the betbox and click bet button then ( auto click all-in bet button needs to switch on/off separately from other bet buttons auto-click ).
Some sites give you only 3 bet buttons, not so much to use one of them for the all-in button.
Unfortunately sending 999999 doesn't work on all sites (try it on Full Tilt)
Maybe if I do it that way, I can put a note on the help page that it only works for certain sites, just like I have for the Increase/Decrease bet hotkeys. But I REALLY don't like doing this kind of thing, so I'm not sure about that. I prefer all features to work across all sites. The Increase/Decrease bet hotkey will still send Wheel Up/Down clicks on unsupported sites, and usually that is sufficient to enable support on the other sites.