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Windows 10 scaling fix

If you are using multiple monitors with different scaling percentages, or high resolution monitors such as with 4k resolution, these can sometimes break SaT. If your tables are not passing this test, you may need to make these changes below.

Right click your desktop, and choose "Display settings". Then click each of your monitors, and check what Scaling % is used. If the scaling % is the same for all screens, then you probably don't need to do anything on this page. If the scaling % are different, then you might run into problems with SAT, and this page offers some possible solutions. Even if your scalings are the same, you might want to try these fixes anyway if you are still having problems.

So try these in order, if you are having problems on Windows 10. And afterwards, remember to Remove and re-Include your sites in SaT. Solution #1 below is might be enough to solve the problems, but if not, then you'll need to try #2 which will change all of your monitors to use the same scaling % unfortunately.


  • For whatever pokersite you are having problems with, find the shortcut that you use to open the poker client. For example, if you normally open up PokerStars by clicking the PokerStars shortcut file on your Desktop, then thats the file that you will need. If you normally open up the pokersite through the Start Menu, then first right click the item in the Start Menu, and then choose "Open File Location".

    Then once you have the shortcut file, Right click that shortcut icon, and then select 'Properties'.

  • Then click the tab 'Compatibility' tab.
  • Then click the button to Change high DPI settings and click the checkbox to "Override high DPI scaling behavior", and choose "Application". Then Apply and Save
  • After changing this, you will need to Close the poker site completely, and then re-open it. You may notice that the poker site now looks a little different, maybe the fonts are a different size, or the lobby and tables are smaller or bigger. You will have to live with this.
  • Finally, Remove and re-Include your sites and Test to make sure everything works. If the site passes the Test, then there is no need to do #2 below. Make sure you test that it works with a table on all of your screens


  • Right click on your Desktop and choose "Display Settings".
  • Then, depending on your win10 version, click the link for Custom Scaling or Advanced Scaling Settings.
  • Then only change the Custom Scaling at the bottom. Type in the scaling level you want, and then log off and log in. This will change the size of the windows and icons on your screen, so you may need to test a few different percentages. You should choose increments of 25%, so something like 100%, 125%, 150%. And if you want 125% and its already at 125%, then you will need to first change it to 100%, log off, then change it back to 125% and logoff again.
  • After you make this change, you will see this message in red. Just ignore that. Don't turn off the custom scaling.
  • Finally, Remove and re-Include your sites and Test to make sure everything works.

As an alternative to solution #2, you could always change your screen resolution, and then change your scaling as well. So for example, if you are using a 4k resolution (3840 x 2160) at 200% scaling, you could lower the resolution to 1920 x 1080, and then use 100% scaling.