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The solution - a winning strategy

There is a trait that all successful poker players have: Patience.

Everyone quickly learns the importance of patience in poker. We are patient while we wait for a good hand to play.

Most of the time, we are folding bad hands. We can use this to our advantage:

  1. When we have a BAD hand and plan on folding, we don't want to spend a lot time or energy thinking about that table.
  2. But when we have a GOOD hand, we really want to focus as much time and attention as possible to that table.

You can substitute 'good hand' with 'good position' as well. The idea is to focus only on the important tables.

So how does StackAndTile accomplish this?

Given the above strategy, we need to come up with a way to separate the important and non-important tables. Here is how it is done.

First, SaT will move all of the poker tables on top of each other, creating a "stack" of tables. Because they are on top of each other, that means you will not be able to SEE all the tables. But the benefit of this is that it saves a lot of screen space.

Then, when it is your turn to act, the table will get moved out of the stack of tables, and it will be moved into a tiled grid across your screen, where you can see it and act on it. These tables in the grid are the ones that you will focus all your attention on.

Finally, when you fold on a table in the grid, it moves back to the stack, where you don't have to worry about it anymore.

This way, you can consider the stack of tables as the ones that are not important, and the tables in the grid as the ones that are important. You will only spend your time thinking about the visible tables in the grid.

This relieves you of the mental stress of keeping track of tables that just don't matter.

You can visit the Help - Overview page for a screenshot.

And if you haven't already watched the video on the home page(link is external), go watch it now to see this in action. Keep in mind, that video only shows a fraction of the available features in the software.

Next: Page 4 - The results

1. Learn More
2. The goal
3. The solution
4. The results