ACR blitz
Sat only detecting 3 blitztables out of 4 and they are jumping around/dissapearing
For the table that isn't detected, can you use the menu item for Help->Diagnostic->Get Window Title, and paste me the result?
(01-12-2021, 04:43 AM)SaT_Admin Wrote: For the table that isn't detected, can you use the menu item for Help->Diagnostic->Get Window Title, and paste me the result?

title=[Blitz Poker - 137355 - No Limit - $0.05 / $0.10 Hold'em (23130357) ],class=[Chrome_WidgetWin_1],pid=[3300]
It looks like that table should work and should be detected. What paid license are you using? If you are on free mode, obviously that will only work on 0.02/0.05

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