Tables take focus OR not pop-up

Im using SaT just for tiling now, which works pretty good in general, but it takes focus of everything.

I have 9 tiles on my big screen and 6 tiles on my small screen, those 6 tiles have a bit of overlap. So I need the tables to pop up, but not steel focus from anything. The option on stars, "Dont steal focus" seems only to work for other stars tables?

But for example Winamax pops up the table and doesnt steal focus, but Stars,888,Fulltilt do.

How can I make it work the way I want?

Thanks for your help!
You need to turn the setting off in every poker client.
I did, but then the tables dont pop-up anymore with Tile mode of Sat.
Do you have the first checkbox turned on in SaT's Advanced Options?

"Activate/focus table when action required"

Edit: I just saw that you said you want the tables to pop up, but not steal focus. That first advanced option in SaT will cause the tables to steal focus. But it will only happen in turn. Try turning that on (it should be by default) and see if that is what you're looking for.

I don't fully understand what you're looking to do. Are you saying you want the tables to pop up (but not steal focus) BEFORE you have finished acting on the first table?
I have the first checkbox turned on.

"I don't fully understand what you're looking to do. Are you saying you want the tables to pop up (but not steal focus) BEFORE you have finished acting on the first table? "

I think this is what I want indeed, I have just 4 our of 15 tiles with small overlap and those 4 need to pop up when action is required, otherwise I can miss easily that it's my turn on those tables. I think since with tiling there is not really an order of tables I want them to pop up as soon as the action is required. With the option "Activate/focus table when action required" turned on this is working, but it steals focus from everything (skype,firefox and even other tables when I try to input a betsize).
Gotcha. I will see if I can accomplish this for the next release
Hey mate any updates on this?

Tables stealing focus is killing me so far Big Grin
(10-11-2015, 10:22 AM)joeppiej Wrote: Hey mate any updates on this?

Tables stealing focus is killing me so far Big Grin

Sorry no update yet. But I will prioritize this. Keep a lookout in this thread, I will post any updates and test releases here
Working on this, but its actually a lot harder than I thought, given the current structure of the program. I also don't want to break any existing functionality. I will keep you updated
Alright. I hope I've gotten this working. But I need you to test it.

Download this version:

Verify the version number 2.82f

See if it does what you want and let me know

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