Unable to setup 888
I have followed all directions here: http://www.stackandtile.com/sat/help/888pacificpoker

I am using the normal version of 888 software

Here are screenshots of messages I receive after F9:



I am currently using trial version of SaT. If theres any other info you need please let me know.
Hehe I replied on 2p2 already:

A few people recently have reported this problem with 888.

Can you click on the menu item: "Help -> Diagnostic -> Get Window Title/Class" and paste me the results for an 888 window?

My guess is like the other people, you have a new 888 client which is using Qt5Window class. No matter what I have done, I cannot seem to get 888 to give me this updated client. My software doesn't automatically update, and when I re-download from the website, it also will not give me the update.

What other people have done, is simply uninstall 888, and then re-download from the website, and then install again. And then try with SaT again. That usually has solved it. And if you run the diagnostic again, it would show #32770 for the classname. Sorry if thats a bit technical
yea figured it may be a problem other people were having so posted both places. Responded in 2+2 thread
Download this test file and install:


Then try to Include "888PacificPoker" as a site and let me know if it works

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